Pop-rock arrangements

Arrangements and/or trumpet for pop-rock bands 

As an arranger/trumpet player for rock, pop or other stiles I have worked with: Inadaptats (Cd & tour “X”), Revolta 21, Avalots, La Fera Ferotge (trio), Banditz, Bugies and Tremendamente, among others. I also recorded a lot for commercials, as a trumpet player, for “Classic & New”, the studio of the composer Joan Vives.

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CD Inadaptats “X” DVD  Inadaptats “Cremem les Nostres Naus”
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CD Homenatge a Ovidi Montllor “L’Ovidi se’n va a Palau” CD  Avalots
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CD Revolta 21 “El crit d’un poble” CD  Tremendamente “Soñar bien despierto”




Altres projectes // Others

Núria Feliu al Palau

(de la Música Catalana)

Cantata St. Nicolau


The “pastorets” of Sitges

Producer & conductor’s assistant

La Fera Ferotge

La Fera Ferotge

Arranger & conductor


Musical producer, conductor & trombonist

Traditional music

Arranger and/or trumpet on traditional music


Arranger & conductor

The Competència Orchestra

Arranger & conductor

Miquel Pujadó

Arranger & conductor