Between Dictador and me

Main titles music score

I was invited to compose the music for a film by six young directors about the figure of Francisco Franco. They made six different views on the dictador. So, I proposed to make a music view on the dictador as well. My idea was to deconstruct (intervalically speaking) the hymn of Spain. But in the last moment the producers got in panic and decided to cut off the first three notes of the music, deconstructing then my idea. Here you can listen to the uncut sound track of Entre el dictador i jo. Medium lenght film, various directors. Televisió de Catalunya y Estudi Playtime, 2005.




BSO “Entre el dictador i jo”


Altres projectes // Soundtrack & Theater

La nit del ritual


Pòsters de Músic

Conductor & script

Alegria, festa major

Conductor & arranger

L’Alegria que passa

Music curator, teather play

Music for K. Davidse

Sound track for a trilogy of films

Sound track for P. Bouman

Composition original soundtrack

Spanish For Adults

Original Sound Track Composition

Theme for a radio station

Composition for an official music theme